Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bone marrow donor list

So, after many phone calls, a lot of research, even more voice mails left with people, I have decided that now may not be the time for me to add my name to the National Bone Marrow Donor list.

I knew I could apply to be a donor online, but I kind of wanted the experience of going somewhere to make this one happen. I called around, talked to many people, some helpful, and some not. All in all, it was determined there was not a specified place to go and have your blood tested to be put on the list. So, I went online and began filling out the application.

There are many health questions, as you might imagine, and they want a lot of information so they can contact you should they find a match that needs your marrow. I went through and filled out everything that was asked of me, and got to the end of the process. They explained how it is expensive to test your blood and process all of the information, but how people have made donations to cover this cost. I could make a donation if I would like towards these costs, but I kind of felt like my donation of marrow would be enough. (What a Scrooge I am, right?) I left the donation box blank and clicked the box to move on in the process. I was told I couldn't move on until I made a "donation" of $100. Thus, I will not be a bone marrow at this time. Guess I need to find something new for my new things list.

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