Monday, October 4, 2010

In the beginning

Earlier this year, I decided I wanted to do something fun and memorable for my upcoming birthday. After all, turning 30 is a big deal, right? Well, I asked a few friends for any suggestions, as well as family, and I wasn't coming up with anything that felt right.

One day, my sister Annie and I were riding in the back of my mom's car (I don't remember where we were going...) and she suggested we go get sushi for my birthday. I made a face of disgust at her, because I don't eat things that come from the ocean. That is, except for calamari, but that could very well be that it is deep fried. Most things are much better deep fried, aren't they? I digress. I told her I hadn't actually ever eaten sushi, and she told me I was missing out. That is when the light bulb turned on, because she got very excited and said, "I know! You should do 30 new things in 30 days!" I was in love.

Since that day, I have been announcing to anyone who will listen my intended plans and asking for ideas of new things I could do. I started a Facebook event and invited everyone. People rose to the occassion. My cousin's wife even brought me a book of "Merit Badges for Grown-Up Girls" full of things I could do. The list started compiling. Many people have had amazing suggestions. Some have had some outrageous ones. No, I never HAVE shaved my eyebrows, but that doesn't mean I should. I was looking for unique ideas that would also be fun to do. I think the list that has been compiled is a good mixture. I just hope I can get it all done! Wish me luck!

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